Wednesday, May 28, 2008

No Time to Stamp Today...

Today, I didn't stamp. I did however, cut cardstock for the Family Treasures class that I am teaching on Saturday. And...when I was clearing off my table, I found a bright orange card that was from a Donation Company that I like to donate to. It is the ARC...Association for Retarded Citizens, Long Beach. I have a few friends there, that I know from Church, who are very functional adults, they have family caregivers, and the money they raise for their store goes towards the activities provided for them.

I forgot all about the date that they were coming...TODAY!!! I was trying to get things out there on my driveway for them to pick up. I tried to pull out the items and then as I was doing that, saw a few more things to take out, and then more things...and so I decided to climb up on the ladder to pull out more things from the rafters. I even found my daughter's high chair, and 2 car seats, in their original boxes, as well as a very heavy box of clothing from her baby days.

I pulled the boxes, as much as I could, got the high chair down, but couldn't get the car seats. I am afraid of heights. So, I was shaking my legs, and trying as hard as I could to reach the big boxes, and in my bad judgement, I knocked over some boxes, and it hit the water heater hoses at the top of the heater (and it is very yucky up there- the garage is dusty and the top of the water heater is really yucky!) I end up having a shower now, wetting the dirt that has covered my hands, face and body as the water is spewing out from the top of the waterheater. The hose broke....sigh...

So I now have to go to the hardware store and get 2 copper hoses, (OUCH!! those things are expensive!) and try to get the hoses off and replace them with 2 new ones. I think I am going to save those old ones...! They're valuable things! My friend's husband came over to rescue me since I couldn't get the bolts loose since they were covered with that icky white powdery stuff that gets all over metal stuff. (I don't remember what the technical term

After all that, I finally realize I have to get my daughter for her game from school after her practice, and then also realize, it is too late, and I missed the donation, then I have to haul all that stuff back into the garage....SO...not only did I miss the truck, I had to spend money on my house from something stupid that I created, miss picking up my daughter from school and missed part of her game.....(she got a ride to the game with another player!)

So...I will have to try to stamp some tomorrow, before I go to work...sorry I didn't get to do it is just ONE OF THOSE DAYS!

This cartoon drawing was from the Church Bookkeeper...who heard about my bad he dropped this off at my work..ha ha....but, it pretty much sized up my day!!!

"Mom, do you think we should shut off the water now?"

what a guy! ha ha...

All Stamps by Stampin' Up!® 1990-2008. Images are inspired by Dianne Shiozaki, unless otherwise noted.
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