Saturday, May 2, 2009

Stencil Decor Elements

Decor Elements Stenciling.....

I haven't tried them yet. (SHAME on me!) But, after going to my Upline/Upline's meeting, (Sandy Hancock), I am more inspired to try them! Barbara Jackson (above) had some fantastic samples using the Decor Elements stencils!

She used the Parisian Damask Stencil (click on the image) to get some super backgrounds for your cards! What a fast way to get multiple cards done, and beautiful too!

She showed us how she stenciled the cardstock as a whole, and then cut them apart to make separate cards!

I know this isn't a great image..(shame on me again!) but, isn't this just gorgeous!
And how simple is that!

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  1. What a COOL idea! I didn't want the stencils because they were so big. "How would I put that on a card?" I never even thought about this idea - thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Very interesting idea! I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wow Dianne that is drop dead Gorgeous!!!


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All stamps, paper and inks used are © Stampin' Up! ® unless otherwise stated. All images, designs and words are copyright of Dianne Shiozaki, unless otherwise stated.
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