Thursday, May 28, 2009

Making Clouds and Masking

Making clouds is very simple. I learned how to do this over 20 year ago, when I first started stamping...actually, it might have been 25 years? Yikes...I guess that makes me feel well....

never mind...ha!

First you need to cut a template. I used a piece of computer paper, because it is thin. Make sure it doesn't have too much dimension, because it will leave more of a gap between the areas where you sponge. I also use a small wedge of a sponge. My sponge is cut into thin slivers, because you only need to use a small piece.

Lay your cloud over the paper and start at the top. Sponge from the paper, off to the cardstock, moving in a sweeping motion. You can also swirl the edges to give it a smoother effect.

Move the template down and keep on sponging.

I angled my clouds to the left and then to the right, to give it a billowy effect! Make sure your clouds look different. They always look different in nature, so moving your template so the same pouf isn't in the same place.

Keep going and making your clouds until you are at least 2/3's the way down.

The sky line should never stop 1/2 way. Keep going down til you're at least almost at the bottom....but enough to give you ground area.

I made a mask of another sheet, and it curves, like a scallop but with some variations.

Sponging downward, away from the sky. I started with Kiwi Kiss, and then also sponged some Old Olive and Always Artichoke

Move your mask down and continue sponging.

Now, there might be some blank spots where the Horizon line and the grass/hilly areas start. Sponge some of the Baja Breeze across the Horizon line so that there isn't a white space.
Add Old Olive across the ground area to fill in the white spaces there too.

Stamp your tree, or focal image, and decorate as you like...

Sponge in Cameo Coral and YoYo Yellow or any colors you like, (pink and yellows look great with blues)
and you're done!

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  1. Thank you so much for your tutorial Dianne!!! Your card is gorgeous and I can't wait to give this technique a try!!! You're the greatest!

  2. Beautiful!! Great tutorial!

  3. This is such a beautiful card and a wonderful technique! I will have to try it out!

  4. Wow, this is an awesome tutorial!!!! Thanks so much for sharing how to make the clouds and the rolling hills.


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All stamps, paper and inks used are © Stampin' Up! ® unless otherwise stated. All images, designs and words are copyright of Dianne Shiozaki, unless otherwise stated.
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