Sunday, October 4, 2009

WCMD - World Card Making Day!

Yesterday was World Card Making day!
So, I planned for my daughter and her friends to come and make cards for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. They would be able to have some fun being creative, and also get community service hours, which they need to graduate.

Our goal was to make as many cards as we could. Of course there was supposed to be more girls, but only 3 showed up (including my daughter).
But, I had planned for at least 100 cards. I thought it might be close where we might not finish, and maybe if more girls had shown up, it probably wouldn't have been completed (funny how that works) but with these 3 girls, and 2 moms plus myself, we did pretty good!

We actually did 118 cards!

Teamwork...(the girls are from our Basketball team!)

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  1. What a win-win situation!! Congrats to those girls for committing their Saturday to helping others and congrats to you for providing the venue. Good job all around

  2. Beautiful cards, and a wonderful service project! Kudos to you and the girls for pulling these cards together for the Ronald McDonald House kids! I know they'll love 'em!


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