Monday, August 16, 2010

Texting your kids

I got this email from Better Homes & Gardens, and after just coming back from a college orientation for my daughter, I guess it just is more confirming! They said instead of calling and getting upset that your child is not calling you back, you NEED to get on the technology bandwagon..Your kid is not ignoring you, or avoiding you (well, maybe they are..!) but they are venturing into their new life!

1 TXT = 1000 WORDS -
from an email mailing from Better Homes & Gardens....

The appeal of owning 100 Silly Bandz may be lost on the parents of tweens and teens these days. But there's one fad that parents and kids can agree on: texting.

According to a 2010 Pew Research Center study, 75 percent of teenagers own cell phones and texting is their preferred form of communication. And some of those LOL's are buzzing right into their parents hands. The study explains, "71 percent of cell-phone owning parents of teens 12-17 say they send and receive text messages on their cell phones."

"My parents text me all the time," says 17-year-old Alexander Corwin from Manhattan. "It's just the most convenient way to stay in touch." Sometimes, it simply saves his parents a yell. "The other day I had a bunch of friends over and when I looked down at my phone I had a BBM from my mom saying to 'keep it down!'"

For Arthur Hyland, 50, of Vienna, Virginia, texting with his daughters, Katie, 15, and Susie, 12, is a daily pick-me-up. "I will send a message...just to say 'hi' and that I'm thinking about them." It's the responses he gets that make the new technology worth it. "It's nice that they are sharing what they are doing with their Dad."

The message reads loud and clear -- a txt is worth 1000 words. Consider the benefits to text messages: • They're great for coordinating drop-offs and pick-ups. • Simple messages like, "Walk the dog when you get home," or "Be home by 6 p.m." are relayed quickly and clearly. • Sending photos is a great way to engage your kids. If you're on a business trip or just out and about and see something funny or interesting, send a snapshot. It will give you something to laugh about later and let them know that you are in tune with their interests.

So, I am going to be creating some photo cards that I can send to her via text message to remind her how proud I am of her, and that I miss her....This silly one is of my co-worker and myself being silly at work....I can't wait to send her this one! hee hee!

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