Sunday, August 26, 2007

Another Paper Star
Tori has a friend who makes a lot of these stars...she had a kit from a Japanese Market that had strips of paper to make these teeny little stars...and I do mean teeny. They are smaller than a penny if you do them right. But, they are so cute! She had them in assorted pastel colors,and this site shows you how to do them. If you use really cute or pretty papers, they can be added to your cards or scrapbook pages for a fun 3D effect!

1 comment:

  1. I have a co-worker who has a boat (shaped out of paper) and it's filled with the same little stars that is shown on the website. It's amazing how someone can work with something so small...maybe they have tiny hands and
    I will first try the other stars and maybe, just maybe take a jump at making the small stars. Thanks for sharing the website!
    ~Cindy Barraza


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