Wednesday, June 27, 2007

BAD Dog....

For some of you...who know me, and who think I am exaggerating about my dog..."Rockie" AKA or postumously known as Destructo-DOG.... (just kidding, but almost serious), I have wanted to take photos to show the evidence of what he does...

This morning, I woke up to my cat (see her in the photo,) showing me the destruction left by Tornado Rockie. I never went in the kitchen when I woke up this morning and since it was dark when I posted the first photo, I didn't see the destruction left by the tornado,, evidence is clearly there.
Ariel is so concerned about that EMPTY food dish, that most of the time it is filled to the brim, but you can see that Destructo Dog left no food, er Cat FOOD behind...except some crumbs, which Ariel is not happy about....

The trash was emptied, and strewn about. It looks like mass destruction. I have never seen him go into the kitchen like this, but obviously, he was up and about...early (before 5am). I think that we will need to lock him in the patio (stamping room) from now on......but, he has destroyed things in there too, mostly trash. (whew) not cards....

Stitch with his look of disapproval at the behavior of the STUPID dog. (he knows the dog is stupid...and he tells him that all the time). I am sure you've seen the movie Cats & Dogs, well, I know he is thinking that all Dogs are STuPid.

I know he's right..but, I can't help but love the dummy.....
Anyone want a golden Retriever? He's a pretty dog, and fetches.
At least he's alive...for the time-being.....

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